Dental Veneers - Fix Chipped, Gapped, or Misshapen Teeth

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What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are small and thin tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front of your tooth for an instant smile transformation. They are most commonly made out of porcelain, but can also be made out of a resin-composite material. 

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

Dental veneers can help correct a wide range of dental issues, including:

  • chipped or worn out teeth
  • crooked or misshapen teeth
  • teeth that are stained and cannot be whitened by bleaching 
  • uneven spaces or large gap between the upper front teeth
  • unusually small teeth

Veneers also provide a natural tooth appearance and can be stronger and look better than a dental crown.

How are dental veneers different from crowns or implants?

Unlike dental veneers, crowns and implants replace a significant portion of the natural tooth. A dental crown encases the entire tooth and requires the natural tooth to be significantly shaved down. A dental implant replaces the entire tooth. A dental veneers, on the other hand, covers just the front part of the tooth that is visible when you smile.

What does the procedure involve? 

Dental veneers procedure usually involves three appointments and can be done on multiple teeth at once.

During your first appointment, you will have a chance to discuss with your dentist what result you are trying to achieve. The dentist will then examine your teeth and X-rays may be taken to make sure dental veneers are right for you. 

On your second visit, the dentist will prepare your tooth by reshaping the tooth surface to make room for a veneer. Next, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. The impressions will be sent to the dental laboratory to make your veneer. It takes about two weeks for your veneers to come back from the laboratory. A temporary veneer may be placed in the meantime.

On your last visit, the dentist will place the veneer on your tooth and examine its fit and color. The dentist will then adjust the veneer as necessary before permanently cementing it onto your tooth.

How to take care of your dental veneers once they are placed?

Porcelain veneers last about 10-15 years, while resin-based composite veneers last about 5-7 years. There are measures you can take to ensure optimal longevity of your veneers. To make sure your veneers last you a long time:

  • avoid chewing on hard objects like pens, ice, hard candy, or finger nails
  • never use your teeth to open food packaging
  • eat harder food with your back teeth only
  • if you grind your teeth at night, use a night guard
  • if you play sports, use a mouth guard to protect your teeth

In addition, it is important to brush and floss your teeth regularly to keep your teeth and mouth healthy as you can still get cavities under and around your veneers.

If you are looking boost your self-confidence and improve your smile, call our office at (925) 705-7093, or request an appointment online. 

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Tags: dental treatment cosmetic dentistry veneers

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