Are you unsure about whether you need a dental filling or an onlay for your tooth restoration? Let's delve into the nuances of each option to help you make an informed decision.
April 25, 2024
Discover the benefits of composite fillings over traditional amalgam fillings.
September 29, 2022
There are many misconceptions about oral health care and dental treatments. These misconceptions can prevent you from receiving beneficial dental treatment or engaging in oral health practices that keep...
September 20, 2022
An amalgam filling - those silver fillings you can see when you smile - is a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin and zinc used to fill cavities in teeth with a lifetime of about 10 years. At...
April 4, 2022
There are several restorative options to treat a damaged or decayed tooth, including fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns. This blog explores the differences between these options.