How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy While at Home

GSD-Blog-How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy While at Home 04.03.20 (8)

The global COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting all of our families, our businesses, as well as our communities and our daily routines. With many dental practices closing and postponing hygiene appointments, here are some things you can do to keep your teeth healthy while you work from home.

Brush your teeth regularly. 

Since you are not able to see your dentist for routine check-ups and dental cleanings while the shelter-in-place order is in place it is important to take extra good care of your teeth at home. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time and floss at least daily. Always brush your teeth before bed to get rid of germs and plaque that have accumulated throughout the day. 

Minimize snacking.

COVID-19 is forcing many of us to stay home, while worrying about our health, family, and finances, some of us are turning to food for distraction and comfort. Damaging acids form in your mouth every time you eat a sugary snack and these acids continue to affect your teeth for at least 20 minutes after you eat. As you snack throughout the day on sugary or starchy food, the steady flow of sugar feeds cavity-causing bacteria and leads to tooth decay. Thus, it is best to minimize snacking and brush your teeth 20 minutes after consuming something sugary, or at least drink a glass of water to help rinse sugar off your teeth.

Drink plenty of water.

Instead of reaching for a fizzy drink or juice (or alcohol) that contain sugar and can wreak havoc on your teeth, drink water instead. By drinking enough water throughout the day (at least half of your body weight in ounces), you can help prevent dry mouth and ensure your saliva is produced at an optimal rate. Saliva is integral to your dental health as it washes away food particles and dilutes acids that damage your teeth. 

See your dentist for emergencies.

Although non-essential dental services have been suspended, we are still taking emergency patients. Please call our office at (925) 705-7093, if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Bleeding that doesn’t stop
  • Painful swelling in or around your mouth
  • Pain in a tooth, teeth or jaw bone
  • Gum infection with pain or swelling
  • Broken or knocked out tooth
  • Dental prosthesis is hurting your cheek or gums and needs to be adjusted

Take care of your oral health and stay safe!

Schedule an appointment

Tags: brushing tips oral health flossing dental hygiene dental health

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