Dental emergencies can strike at any time, often causing severe pain and discomfort. Knowing which situations require an immediate dental visit can save your teeth and alleviate unnecessary suffering.
Discover the reasons behind recurring root canal infections and how to effectively manage them.
If you've ever bitten down on a fork or a hard food, you may be familiar with the dull, lingering pain that comes after. What you may be experiencing is a bruised tooth (also known as sprained tooth...
Delaying your dental treatment can have serious consequences for your oral health and overall well-being. Here are five reasons you shouldn't delay your dental treatment.
Educating yourself about common dental problems can help you prevent them and keep your smile for a lifetime. Here is a look at the most common dental problems and treatment options for each one.
A root canal is a procedure that cleans out decay in the tooth root and pulp. During a root canal procedure, the infected nerve and pulp are removed. Then, the tooth’s interior is cleaned and sealed. A...
Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem characterized by a sudden, sharp pain that is aggravated by certain substances or temperatures, but is temporary. Here are some causes of tooth sensitivity and...
There are many causes of toothache, including tooth decay, abscess, infected gums, or a fractured tooth. If you have a toothache, the best approach is to see your dentist. However, if you cannot see a...